Friday, July 24, 2015

Philadelphia 2015 Day 5

Yesterday was another great day of ministry in Philadelphia. Coming up to the last couple days of our trip, the students and leaders are trying to take full advantage of our time here in Philly. 

The day began with youth group time, park program prep, and prayer walks in the community. The times we have spent each morning this week taking prayer walks in the community, starting conversations with people and praying with them have become a highlight of our trip. Many of the students have formed relationships with people during the prayer walks and have built some solid connections by talking to them multiple days in a row. We've been able to pray with them, share the gospel with them, and some have been able to pass out Bibles to those who may never have had one of their own before. Prayer walks have been an incredible opportunity for connection and a way to pray and share the gospel with people in the community. Many have stated that they would like to continue doing prayer walks in their own neighborhoods when we return to Chicago. 

The highlight of the day for many was preparing brown bag meals to pass out to people in Love Park in downtown Philadelphia. The students were challenged to not just pass out food, but to be very intentional about sitting down with that person to hear their story & be willing to share their own personal story, to share our faith with them and why Jesus is important to us. It was an eye-opening experience  for most of us and one we will never forget. 

We've already begun our last full day here in Philadelphia. Please pray with us even now that the things we have learned and experiences we've had will not just stay behind in Philadelphia, but would go with us back to Chicago. We will take what we learned and live differently back home, more on mission for Jesus, more bold to share our beliefs about Christ, more willing to begin conversations with people about faith issues and pray for them. That is our prayer and we would ask that it would be something you would pray for us about as well. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Philly 2015 Day 4

Yesterday was another great day of serving Jesus and His love here in Philly! The day began with breakfast and youth group time followed by the director of urban hope, Jason, sharing his testimony with us. He challenged us to consider four things that keep us from sharing our faith and living on mission. This has been one of the challenging yet encouraging parts of our trip so far. It is not always easy to initiate conversations with people especially when it comes to issues of faith, but our students have risen to the challenge and have had many conversations with the people of Philly about faith issues. We have also been able to pray with a lot of people as well. It is really exciting to see students getting outside of their comfort zones and be willing and more comfortable talking to people about Jesus. Now, the challenge will be for us to begin to think about applying this back home. Who has God put in our everyday day life path that need to hear about Jesus? Nothing is an accident. Nothing is a mistake. God has placed us at our schools, at our part-time jobs and in our families for a reason and we need to be willing to be used by Him to point people to Jesus in whatever way we can. 

Students have been encouraged to use the FISH method when sharing Jesus with others.
F - friendly (be friendly)
I - initiate conversations
S - share your story/serve
H - hope (Jesus is the answer)

Our high schoolers have been doing a great job of living on mission and serving the people before during and after our park program. Yesterday was no exception. They did a great job of initiating relationships and really loving on the people of Mifflin Park. After our park program and dinner, we were able to pass out water ice to people in the community. It was a great way to begin conversations in order to pray with them and talk to them about Jesus. Overall, it was a great day here in Philadelphia.

Please continue to pray for us and the remaining few days here. Pray that God would continue to work in the lives of our students and leaders, that we would finish strong, and that we would begin to be burdened for the people at home who may not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Sorry for the long post, but God is doing some pretty incredible things among us and we wanted to share it with you!

 Here are some pics of our day!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Philadelphia 2015 Day 3

What a great day in Philadelphia! Our schedule for our first full day in Philly was jam-packed. We our grateful to God for giving us all the strength to make it through the day. Here are a few pics highlighting the day!

Small Group time this morning.

Practicing for our park program.

Park program!

Cheesesteaks at Gino's.

Sightseeing in Philly

Keep praying for us as we begin to deal with fatigue! Lord Jesus, help us to live on mission and see people through your eyes even when we are tired, amen!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Philadelphia 2015 Day Two

Orientation with Luis from Urban Hope.

Praying for our "prayer walk" around the community. We were given the opportunity to walk around the community surrounding urban hope, begin conversations with people, and pray for them. 

A group shot at the park where we will be helping put on a park program for kids all week.

Playing with kids at the park.

Thanks for praying! More updates tomorrow!